Year 3: 2017-2018 BWF Grant
2018 was the spring, summer and fall of the rabbit!
Wakefield HS Sustainable Agriculture Production students constructed a total of six bunny hutches. What started with three rabbits quickly became one kit (baby bunny) after the next. Heartley, our number one female producer just could not stop having babies. Students researched how the rabbits were taking in nutrients like hay and then determining how much of the animal could be harvested. Additionally, students explored animal husbandry techniques and developed/engineered new watering systems and methodologies for cleaning the animals and ensuring their safety. The bunnies always seemed to find unique ways of escaping and the students had to adapt their methods to combat the escapees.
In all, nearly 40 rabbits were produced in the course of four months and students realized why the rabbit is the most sustainable meat source for human consumption on the planet. Additionally, the amount of amazing manure that turned into rich garden compost made this animal a welcomed friend to the Wakefield Agricultural Education program and its gardens.
In all, nearly 40 rabbits were produced in the course of four months and students realized why the rabbit is the most sustainable meat source for human consumption on the planet. Additionally, the amount of amazing manure that turned into rich garden compost made this animal a welcomed friend to the Wakefield Agricultural Education program and its gardens.